Sarasota landscaping outdoor kitchens


Posted by admin | Posted in Sarasota landscaping outdoor kitchens | Posted on 04-02-2010

Sarasota landscaping outdoor kitchens are so much fun to plan, install, and enjoy. When planning your outdoor kitchen make sure to keep in mind where you live in sunny Sarasota. Choose your decor whisely to go with the wether aspects of where you live. Also make sure you can access wter, electricity, gas, and is easily accessible to your home. Think about building the struture against a wall so getting those utilities will be easier to recieve. Roof coverings are much needed in Sarasota sometimes due to the heat of the sun or rain. Hiring a professional is highly recomended when building your Sarasota outdoor kitchen.  Be sure to have a special drainage system for your wate-water that you will use. When you choose the design of your counter make it so there’s enough space to place food so your geusts can get their food easily. Another great counter idea is the wrap around that way you and your geusts can converse while your cooking the food and they can have a drink/eat like your at a bar.


Interesting ideas for your Sarasota outdoor kitchen would be using a lot of different textures to add that extra touch to your outdoor kitchen. Examples would be large stone around your grill, brick pavers for the patio aspect, and maybe even mexican tiles to add your touch to your space. Some accent marks you can place around your outdoor kithcnen in Sarasota would be colorful flowers with a hint of fragerance so your geusts will enjoy it. You can also add an arbhor with a vine growing through it, maybe add some lighting  to brighting things up at night.  Other lighting that will be needed are spot lights over your grill/stove area so when your cooking/grilling you can see whats going on easily.

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