Posted by | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on 01-09-2008
Of course we live in one of the wealthiest parts of the nation, that does not mean you have to spend a small fortune to make your landscape practical, and beautiful at the same time. Designing and planning your landscape should start far ahead of the actual install, I love to do things in stages, especially when money is an issue. Sarasota landscaping on a budget starts with contacting a local landscape contractor that you have seen or a friend has told you they do good work and are not putting profit before quality, it blows me away the prices I hear people have paid or are about to pay to these large contractors who have to put profit first, even watching mature landscapes being torn out to make way for new more water consuming plants that need much more care, and why?, the mature plant was what we started out to achieve in the first place, and now that we are much more informed on the harm to our enviroment, that comes from using too much water, and too much fertilizer, these so called landsce contractors talk ill informed clients into, strting all over, and in five years we will achieve once again a nice mature landscape that requires less water and far less fertilizer than a new landscape. Please, when considering new landscaping Venice call me contact me at, we can achieve a beautiful landscape for you for far less money than your bigger contractor, and help you keep your mature plants in the design as well.