Posted by admin | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on 17-02-2012
Replacing your lawn in Venice florida can be very challenging, first of all how to get all that grass out, especially Bermuda, Bermuda being so thick and almost like wire can a daunting task. Here are a few tips on removing your lawn ans replacing with new grass and preferably ground cover.
1. First of all use a non selective herbicide that can be planted on with in weeks of spraying, Round up and Prosecuter from Lesco are both very good products.
2. With most herbicides you have to wait ten days to see what is all the way dead, believe me it is much harder thatn you think to kill al the non wanted grass, in some cases it seems as if the grass just wont die, thats why a second and third application are almost always needed, this way there is no question that the Beruda is all the way dead.
3. Rake all debris from new area of planting, removing root zone is no very important as long as you are sure grass died from herbicide application. after raking and removing all debris, check irrigation for proper coverage, after coverage is established apply milorginite, it is 2600 sq ft per 35 pounds, make sure to Read bag, you want to apply on ground for root zone and on turf after applied, one good thing is it wont burn or over fertilize your lawn.
4. When selecting where to buy your sod make sure its local there are many sod farms in the Sarsota Mantee County arae and sod distributers, make sure the sod is delivered the day it is cut, this is very important with Venice Lawn Care Replacing Lawn this will ensure that turf is fungus free, all commercial turf companies have to be certified to provide weed free and insect free turf. Install turf that day if possible do not let turf sit on pallets more than three days.
5. After turf is installed apply more milorginite, read bag and apply properly. check irrigation to make sure any heads are not covered with new turf, and for proper coverage. after two weeks mow lawn with walk behind mower making sure not to scalp lawn. St. Augustine should be afull 7″ tall then remove one third this will bring it to 4″ it looks tall but this will protect root zone and Ensure lush green healhy lawn.
6. Apply pest control and fertilizer every two months, do not over apply or apply near any water ways, this means retention ponds also.
Hope this will help you with making sure you have a beautiful lawn for years to come.