Posted by admin | Posted in Sarasota landscaping minimizing lawn care | Posted on 03-02-2010
Sarasota landscaping minimizing lawn care is not that big of a challenge if you take your time planning your Sarasota lawn and landscape. To reduce your maintenance try the following.
Plant as many trees as possible, without creating to much shade, as the trees grow make sure to thin them out and do proper maintenance, this will keep the tree healthy and keep future maintenance to a minumum.
Plant trees in groups far enough apart to make sure the tree at full maturity is not intruding on other trees, or causing damage to structures. Under tree’s plant large areas of plants and ground covers, ground cover will help reduce mulching, mulching in Sarasota can be costly.
Lawns started as a staus symbol for people that had enough money for grass without animal in it. Now just about every house you pass in Sarasota fl. has green lucious grass. Americans use more fuel to fertilize their lawns than some countries spend on their whole economy. Only fertilize the patches of grass that look really bad, you can add ground coverings like Irish moss, ajuga, and patato vine are some great choices.
Some ground coverings like mulch are a good alternative to your lawn but groundcoverings make fabulous looking carpets in differnt colors and many textures some even have a seasonal bloom. For best results choose plants that do well in the Sarasota heat. Place the groundcovering plants in mulch. If you place them close they will cover the area sooner. When doing this you should start off with one section then move onto more as they progress. Fore best results pluck the weeds by hand , after you do it a couple times your bed will be self-sustaining. If you want to see color throughout your groundcoverings place spring bulbs sparingling depending on how much you want among maybe some ivy. Planting trees and shrubs are another good alternative to turf .
Some low-maintenance turf alternatives are Blue Star Creepers, Chamomile, Lamium, Moss either Irish or Scotch, Pachysandra, Speedwell, Thyme Wildflowers, and Natural grass mixtures.
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